VIC Branch

Welcome to the VIC Branch of the RACI. Our committee collaborates on a monthly basis to establish regular activities and events for our local members and the wider community.

Branch committee

President Prof Rajesh Ramanathan
Secretary Prof Enrico Della Gaspera
Treasurer Dr Anita D'Angelo
President Elect Dr Jessica Holien
Committee Member Dr Melinda Christophersen
Dr Manuela Jorg
Dr Yi (David) Ju
Dr Amandeep Kaur
Dr Wenyi Li
Ms Louise Macfarlane
Mrs Kalpani Anuradha Mirihana Arachchige Dona
Dr Susan Northfield (Observer)
Ms Kirti Thakur
Dr Ian Thomas
Communications Ass Prof David Turner

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Latest Discussions List

  • Posted in: VIC Branch Members

    Any other members of the Victorian Branch looking to self nominate and in need of support can feel free to reach out to me to ...

  • Posted in: VIC Branch Members

    That would be fantastic, unfortunately I've a personal commitment on Thursday evenings. The tallying of votes by remote attendees ...

  • Posted in: VIC Branch Members

    Hi Daniel, We can provide a hybrid link for those who cannot attend live. ------------------------------ Jessica Holien Vice ...

    1 person likes this.

Our Groups

Within our Branch we have established a range of specialist interest groups who host various offerings for the membership to participate in. We'd love you to be involved.

These groups comprise:

The Inorganic Group of the Victorian Branch of the RACI welcomes interest from any area of chemistry in which people enjoy the use of metals, non-metals, metalloids, minerals etc. The group primarily serves to run the annual Student Symposium, typically in early December, at which the research of graduate students and early career researchers is highlighted. There is a thriving inorganic community in Victorian universities which participates in this event and we welcome all of our industry colleagues to explore the work that the next generation are conducting.