QLD Branch

Welcome to the QLD Branch of the RACI. Our committee collaborates on a monthly basis to establish regular activities and events for our local members and the wider community.

Branch committee

President Dr Nathan Boase
Secretary Dr Matheus Carpinelli de Jesus
Treasurer Dr Craig Bell
President Elect Dr Katrin Kockler
Past President Prof Joanne T. Blanchfield
Committee Member Prof Jack Clegg
Dr Nicholas Fletcher
Dr Jan Lauko
Mr Hayden Petrick
Dr Santosh Rudrawar
Dr George Vamvounis
Dr Sandra Wiedbrauk
Observer: Member Dr Mani Naiker
Dr Santosh Rudrawar
Dr Ryo Sekine

Regular Events

Our branch is very active in holding regular events. Highlights include:

  • Social events, the annual AGM and social night and the Queensland Annual Chemistry Symposium (QACS).  

Connect with us

If you would like connect with the QLD branch please contact us.

Contact Us

or via email: raci-qldcmt@raci.org.au 

Community Events List

Explore the Queensland Branch Community

Explore Australia's largest community of chemistry professionals. A dynamic online platform that fosters discussion, builds networks and offers professional growth opportunities. Join and enhance your connections, share knowledge, and stay at the forefront of chemical advancements through conferences, seminars, workshops, and lectures.

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Nominate your students for a RACI QLD Branch Certificate of Excellence

If your year 12 students have achieved 45/50 in their internal assessment, they are eligible to receive a QLD RACI Certificate of Excellence.

Please fill out the attached excel spreadsheet here (click to download), making no alterations to the template, and email it to raci-qldcmt@raci.org.au. As an example, the first line has been filled out.

NB: we are using an automated system, so alterations to the excel means the program will not find the data.

 You will receive the PDFs in a zipped folder on the same email that you contact us through.

Please note: These certificates are administered by the RACI QLD Branch; Certificates are for QLD based students only.

All enquiries regarding the Certificates of Excellence should be directed to raci-qldcmt@raci.org.au

Branch supported awards

  • James Cook University RACI QLD Branch Prize (level 1)
  • James Cook University RACI QLD Branch (Northern Queensland Section) Prize (level 2)
  • Queensland University of Technology RACI Prize BAppSc – 1st Year
  • Queensland University of Technology RACI Prize 2nd year Chemistry Major
  • Griffith University RACI 1st Year Prize
  • Griffith University RACI Prize Chemistry – Graduate Student
  • The University of Queensland RACI Trevor Appleton 1st Level Chemistry Prize
  • The University of Queensland RACI Trevor Appleton 3rd Level Chemistry Prize
  • Central Queensland University RACI QLD Branch Prize
  • Central Queensland University RACI QLD Branch (Central Queensland Section) Association of Chemists Prize

Our Groups

Within our Branch we have established a range of specialist interest Groups. They have been formed to encourage networking and other events between members who have a particular area of interest, and to encourage the wider chemistry community to participate. We'd love you to be involved. 

We are a group of chemists across industry, academia and government sectors with special interest in topical subjects around analytical and environmental chemistry. Our Group organises seminars/webinars and symposia (e.g. Water security, Authentic Standards), not only to promote analytical and environmental chemistry, but also interactions and social networking among members.

The focus of this group is to provide a link between schools, universities and working chemists and to provide professional learning and access to resources for teachers in these sectors. This group aims to meet the needs of students from across QLD and to provide opportunities for them to link what they learn to the work conducted by practising chemists.

QLD Early Career Chemists Group is run by a committee of PhD students and graduates of chemistry and chemistry-related degrees, who are passionate about promoting Chemistry, and making it easier for Early Career Chemists to be exposed to industry and supported in their research. We run monthly events, managing a healthy balance of professional development and networking events.

The QLD Polymer Group connects researchers and students across Queensland through annual events, workshops and seminars. Our aim is to highlight the quality and interdisciplinary nature of QLD polymer research. We are a diverse group of polymer enthusiasts and always keen to welcome new faces to the group. Please reach out to us if you are interested in participating or if you would like to know more about our activities across the state.

Central Queensland Group Historically the RACI QLD Branch has had a strong and dynamic community in Central Queensland working across education, sugar refineries, mining and heavy industries. We are looking for passionate chemists in Central Queensland to get involved and grow this community further. The North Queensland Group brings together Chemists across tropical North Queensland, across areas of secondary education, academia and industry. It aims to create events in Townsville and Cairns to build a strong and supportive local community. The group works with the RACI QLD Branch to promote members in that area and provide a state-wide network of support and education.

The QLD Women in Chemistry Group is a newly established network of peers that links both current students and established academic and industry professionals in productive and collaborative relationships. We intend to promote meetings and discussions between those involved in chemical science with the purpose of empowering and developing ways in which women can progress in their chosen career, and with the hope of developing strong female leaders within their industry.